How do I best clean my austenetic stainless steel?
 • Discoloration and most marks on stainless steel are caused by water-borne deposits clinging to the surface. One of the best ways to keep your stainless steel sink in pristine condition is to clean it with Inox Crème, which can be used daily. Inox Crème is available from any of our Distributors.
 • Routinely clean stainless steel when noticeably dull or dirty. Routine simple, gentle and inexpensive cleaning will retain both the corrosion resistance and appearance of stainless steel through years of exposure and use.
 • Stainless steel responds well to clean water or a mild detergent solution, applied with a soft cloth or sponge, rinsed well and wiped dry. Always clean stainless steel with the grain and never scrub in a circular pattern.
 • Occasionally and if necessary, a small amount of a thin cream paste or mild household abrasive (or equivalent industrial product) such as Franke Inox Crème, may be used on a soft cloth wetted with the detergent solution to remove stubborn dirt or slight incipient stains. Rub gently.
 • Never use abrasives, scouring powders or steel wool.